Perranporth School’s GREEN Curriculum vision:
At Perranporth School, we are passionate about growing young minds! We aim for this growth to take place through encouraging a love of learning and an ever growing knowledge base. We want all our pupils to have growing aspirations for their futures, especially those who are underserved, vulnerable and those with SEND. In developing our curriculum learning experiences we are keen that children see themselves as lifelong growing learners, allowing them to explore and celebrate the diverse world that we live in, whilst also helping them believe that they can achieve anything! In short, we want our pupils to always be growing!
Quite simply, we believe that the learning we share with our children must be relevant to them. Research shows that relevant learning leads to effective learning. Relevant, meaningful activities that both engage children emotionally and connect with what they already know are what help build neural connections and long-term memory. At Perranporth, this means that in the development of our curriculum and the planning and teaching of lessons, we are especially mindful of how learning relates to our children, their interests, their prior learning experiences, their post learning needs, their context and the utility value of the learning too. We aim to make explicit links to previous learning to support retrieval.
Our pupils, staff and school community cares deeply about our environment both on a local and global level. Through our curriculum we aim to support our children in learning about our environment and taking responsibility for it too. In the Spring Term we celebrate our local environment with all classes learning about different aspects of Cornwall. Topics include learning about mythological, geographical, historical, charitable and environmental aspects of Cornwall. Additionally, we want to make the most of our local area and the expertise that exists within it by inviting people to talk to our children to bring learning to life, visiting our local environment to support learning (Perranporth town, our beaches, dunes etc.) and enhancing learning with wider visits and trips too.
At Perranporth School we want our children to ‘know more (including knowing how to do more) and remember more’. For this to take place, we understand that our learners must have engaging and memorable learning experiences. In developing our curriculum, we want children to be actively engaged in their own learning journey and for it to have meaning to them. This involves carefully considering how we launch curriculum themes, the ways blocks of learning can really spark children’s imagination and curiosity whilst also working out the links between them.
We recognise and celebrate that our children learn in a multitude of different ways with a variety of needs. In the development of our curriculum and the teaching approaches we take, we seek to nurture all our children so that they can be confident and curious learners who are willing to take risks and challenge themselves. As we emerge from the cloud of COVID we have seen more and more mental health requirements in our pupils. We therefore recognise the importance of a supportive, inclusive curriculum that nurtures our learners and enables them to thrive with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.