Local Monitoring Committee

Year Group MemberEmail 
EYFS Jo Poulton jpoulton@perranporth.tpacademytrust.org
Year 1 Chris Ballinger cballinger@perranporth.tpacademytrust.org
Year 2 TBC
Year 3 Silvia Lowe slowe@perranporth.tpacademytrust.org
Year 4 Amy Whiting awhiting@perranporth.tpacademytrust.org
Year 5 Jan Williams jwilliams@perranporth.tpacademytrust.org
Year 6 Helen Goodey hgoodey@perranporth.tpacademytrust.org


Committee MemberArea of Responsibility 
Silvia Lowe 
(Chair of LMC)
Whistleblowing, Behaviour, General Curriculum (Whole school), PE & Creative Arts, Computing  
Helen Goodey 
(Vice Chair)
SEND/PP/Safeguarding (incl. Child Protection), Online Safety, Complaints, Absence 
Jan Williams Maths, Complaints 
Chris Ballinger Attainment and Standards
Jo Poulton Early Years & Early Reading & Phonics (RWI) 
Amy Whiting Curriculum Development 

LMC Attendance