The Pupil Premium is designed to ensure that funding to tackle disadvantaged children reaches the pupils who need it most. The funding is allocated to Local Authorities and schools for pupils from Reception to Year 11 who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), are looked after or have parents currently serving in the armed forces. Each financial year, schools receive funding set out by the DFE Education Funding Agency: More information can be found by downloading our Pupil Premium Information for Parents booklet PP Guide for parents
The PPG per pupil for 2024 to 2025 is as follows:
Service children | Pupil premium per pupil |
Pupils in year groups reception to year 11 recorded as Ever 6 Service Child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence | £340 |
Do you think your child might be eligible for Pupil Premium Funding? click here for an application: Pupil Premium Application Form
The Pupil premium allocated to Perranporth School for this year 2024/25 £62,350
How is it being spent?
A portion of our allocated funding is being used to fund the teaching of high quality intervention and precision teaching to pupils in both KS1 and KS2 to help close the gap between those children in receipt of pupil premium and their peers. This intervention is delivered by the child’s class teacher. We understand from our research that this is high cost but also high impact provision and it is making a difference to our pupils.
Additionally we use this funding to cover the cost of after school clubs, music lessons and educational visits for children in receipt of pupil premium. Some children receive social and emotional support and counselling sessions from a trained professional. This funding has also been spent investing in high quality resources that the children can use both at school and at home to support their learning. We are always looking for innovative ways to invest our funding in order to ensure that pupils receive quality support to make good progress in their learning and development.
Pupil Premium Spending Report:
Where schools spent the Pupil Premium funding successfully to improve achievement, they shared many of the following characteristics. They: | Strategies used at Perranporth School to maximise use of the Pupil Premium funding. |
Carefully ring fenced the funding so that they always spent it on a target group of pupils. | Each amount is carefully accounted for. See allocation and budget summary in the report. |
Never confused eligibility for the Pupil Premium with low ability, and focussed on supporting the disadvantaged pupils to the highest level. | All staff have contributed to the cohort overview. They must know who their FSM, FSM Ever6, forces and CLA are. These children are identified on planning. All staff are fully aware of the needs of the pupil and what interventions are in place for them. The SENco holds additional reviews for LA pupils. |
Thoroughly analysed which pupils were underachieving particularly in English and mathematics and analysed why. | The head teacher collects and analyses the data for English and mathematics termly. The SLT undertakes an analysis of all children who are not on track through the assessment overview and class development meetings. |
Drew on research evidence (such as the Sutton Trust and Education endowment) and evidence from their own and other’s experience to allocate the funding to the activities that were most likely to have an impact on achievement. | The Sutton Trust research and the Education Endowment Foundation have been shared with staff. Feedback and marking, peer coaching, BLP and collaborative learning styles have all been identified as having high impact, low cost and are implemented as part of the day to day teaching. The marking policy has been reviewed and up levelling of learning for more able PP pupils has been implemented. |
Understood the importance of ensuring that all day to day teaching meets the needs of each learner, rather than relying on interventions to compensate for teaching that is less than good. | A school focus is high quality teaching and learning. Staff have received CPD on developing high quality teaching. Teachers are encouraged to visit other schools to develop their practise. Performance management observations have shown that high quality teaching is evident across the school. There is a good mix of new and experienced teachers in place. Teachers have access to high quality CPD. Lessons are monitored and the SLT make regular drop ins. |
Allocated their best teachers to teach intervention groups to improve maths and English, or employed new teachers who had a good track record of raising attainment in those subjects. | The school uses a combination of class teachers and highly trained TAs to support children with additional interventions and support. |
Used achievement data frequently to check whether intervention or techniques were working and made adjustments accordingly, rather than using data retrospectively to see if something had worked. | Assessments are tracked carefully. Teachers update and analyse the data termly. Data is analysed by the head teacher and SLT through TT and class development meetings. Interventions are regularly monitored to ensure that they are effective and having an impact. |
Made sure that support staff, particularly teaching assistants were highly trained and understood their role in helping pupils to achieve. | CPD programme for TAs is in place to develop skills and expertise. There are weekly TA meetings to discuss pupils. Performance management is in place for TAs. |
Systematically focussed on giving pupils clear, useful feedback about their learning, and ways that they could improve it. | The marking policy has been developed with staff. It is clear in its expectations for whole school marking and feedback. SLT and co-ordinators regularly look at books. |
Ensured that the designated leader had a clear overview of how the funding was allocated and the difference it was making to the outcomes for pupils. | Pupil Premium spending is a priority and is included within the whole school development plan. The head teacher reports to the governors on a termly basis. |
Ensured that the class and subject leader knew which pupils were eligible for the PP so that they could take responsibility for accelerating progress. | Cohort sheets show disadvantaged children and outline the support and range of interventions the children can access. All staff know and understand how their disadvantaged pupils are progressing. Subject leaders (English, Maths & PP) attend class development meetings. Enrichment opportunities are being developed as part of whole school policy. |
Had a clear policy on spending the PP, agreed by governors and shared on the website. | The website has a Pupil Premium section with information and reports. The annual report shows the actions and the impact. Qualitative and quantative data is used to measure the impact. |
Provided well-targeted support to improve attendance, behaviour or links with families where these were barriers to pupil’s learning. | Termly meet the teacher meetings provide an opportunity to share mutually agreed targets. The school monitors attendance and punctuality. There is well targeted support to develop self esteem, resilience and confidence. The school also provides, free uniform and subsidises extra-curricular activities. |
Had a clear and robust performance management system for all staff, an included discussions about pupils eligible for PP in performance management meetings. | Rigorous performance management targets for all staff include stated numerical targets for PP progress. There is a full NQT program in place to support new teachers. TA performance management targets include targets for the progress of identified children in intervention groups. |
Thoroughly involved governors in the decision making and evaluation process. | Pupil Premium is monitored termly by a designated governor. Governors have received training about the PP and the funds that are spent on intervention. There is a named governor responsible for PP. |
Were able, through careful monitoring and evaluation, to demonstrate the impact of each aspect of their spending on outcomes for pupils. | The Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure and Impact Report is used to guide future spending, TA deployment and intervention. This is completed by the PP co-ordinator and head teacher. As change becomes necessary the document is revised and shared with all stakeholders. |