
This page will be used to offer important information to parents/carers regarding issues surrounding Safeguarding & Child Protection

Alongside Perranporth Primary School’s own policies and procedures information from other sources will be posted to give advice, facts and resources to support parents/carers to help protect their children.

Safeguarding/Child Protection Lead

The Designated Safeguarding/Child Protection Lead for Perranporth Primary School is; Alistair Johnson (Headteacher)

The Designated Safeguarding/Child Protection Deputy Lead and Pupil Mental Health Leader is Nadia Lampier (Deputy Headteacher)

The Designated Safeguarding/Child Protection Deputy Lead is Alison Barrett

Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation, or CSE, is a form of sexual abuse which sees children/young people being manipulated or coerced into sexual activity for receiving ‘something’ such as; gifts, money, food, attention, somewhere to stay etc.

Technology is very often used to groom victims.  This may occur through social networking sites and mobile phones with internet access.

CSE has gained a large amount of media attention over the last year as lots of services involved with children and young people have noticed a big rise in cases involving CSE.

Charities such as NSPCC and Barnardos have been campaigning to raise the profile of this form of child abuse.  Information regarding CSE can be found here;

PACE (Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation) is a national charity that works with parents and carers whose children are sexually exploited. PACE offers one-to-one telephone support, national and local meet-ups with other affected parents and information on how parents can work in partnership with school, police and social care:

The NSPCC also offers lots of helpful tips and advice parents can use to keep their children safe on the internet and social networks.

The link below outlines the risks and dangers children face when using the internet and provides advice on how to set parenting controls on computers, tablets and mobile phones:

NSPCC Online Safety

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

In April 2014 every school in England received new safeguarding guidelines and detailed information on identifying and responding to Female Genital Mutilation.

FGM is a procedure carried out on young girls between the ages of infancy and 15 years of age.
Female Genital Mutilation is classified as a form of Child Abuse in the UK.  It therefore makes the procedure of it a serious Child Protection issue.

It is illegal for anyone to perform FGM in the UK or to arrange for a child to be transported to another country for the procedure.   The maximum sentence for carrying out FGM or helping it to take place is 14 years in prison.

There is lots of information and support available online for parents/carers concerned about this subject or if you know someone who is at risk:

Contact the Police if you think that a girl or young woman is in danger of FGM and is still in the UK.

Contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (020 7008 1500) if she’s already been taken abroad.

The Daughters of Eve website helps to raise awareness of this issue and sign-posts those affected by it to supportive services:

The NSPCC has detailed advice on how to spot the signs, symptoms and effects of FGM and provides support for people who are concerned about a child or who have been affected themselves:

The NSPCC offers a free and anonymous FGM 24 hour helpline.  Call; 0800 028 3550 or email

Reporting a Concern of Abuse or Neglect

If you have concerns that a child you know is at risk of serious harm through Abuse or Neglect it is important that you report your worries to the correct agency.

The link below will direct you to the Local Area Safeguarding Children Board . This team will use your information to make a decision about how they can best respond to your concerns.

The website will offer you the choice to complete an online form or to phone the team directly:

You can also report you concerns to the NSPCC who will offer you support and advice if you are feeling worried about a child’s safety:

Operation Encompass

In conjunction with Devon and Cornwall Police, Perranporth School supports an initiative called Operation Encompass. The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in, heard or witnessed a domestic abuse incident. Following such an incident, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset, worried and unprepared. Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff (called “Key Adults”) are made aware early enough to support children and young people in a way that means they feel safe and included.

At Perranporth, our Key Adults are Mr Johnson (Designated safeguarding lead), Mrs Lampier (Deputy designated safeguarding lead) and Mrs Barrett (Deputy designated safeguarding lead).

This is a valuable initiative that means we can continue to support and help children and families within our school community when they need it the most.

You can find out more by visiting or by talking to one of our Key Adults.


The Prevent Duty involves working positively to protect young people from radicalisation.

You may have heard about the Prevent Duty, which aims to prevent young people from being radicalised by, for example, far-right extremists or religious extremists.

In school, we have a duty to care for the children and take note of any child who is at risk of radicalisation, regardless of their background. We also must take steps to help prevent children from being exposed to extremist ideas. Our overriding concern is that children feel safe and also express tolerance towards all cultures and religions, even when personal views may be different. Please read the booklet and statement below for more information.

Our School Single point of contact is: Alistair Johnson

Our Prevent Duty documentation can be found here: