We are the Year 2 Class and our teacher is Mr Barnes with Mrs Burgess as our teaching assistant.
Our Topics
Maths Overview
The children begin their Year Two maths journey with a focused topic on Place Value, which supports them in accessing other areas of the curriculum. The intended progress is listed below, although this may be adapted to focus on identified misconceptions and needs within the class.
Autumn Term-
Spring Term-
Summer Term-
The children also take weekly mental arithmetic quizzes, called Popcorn Maths, and a weekly times table challenge – they have access to Times Table Rockstars and we encourage this to be played daily. In the Autumn Term we will focus on the two, five and ten times tables. In the Spring we will then introduce the threes. Each week a different times table will be focused on, this will be highlighted as part of the home learning.
In Perranporth School we love PE and stay as active as we can, as we believe a health body means a healthy mind. Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Children are able to come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please make sure all PE clothes, uniform, coats, hats, lunch boxes and drinks bottles are clearly labelled.
Home-learning, Reading and Spellings
Each week the children will be asked to complete a piece of home learning. It will be either English or Maths and should not take longer then 15 minutes to complete. This will be set on a Friday, to be handed in on (or before) the following Thursday. You will be able to find home learning on our Class Dojo page. Once your child has completed their home learning simply upload it to their portfolio.
As well as home learning each week spellings will be shared via Class Dojo. These will also be shared on a Friday, being tested the following Friday. They will be based on our Phonics learning in class. Scores will then be written in the children’s Reading Records for you to celebrate at home.
Finally we love to read! Children will bring home a reading book to practise their reading at home. We expect the children to read daily to help them consolidate their early reading skills. Reading practice can also be key word practice as it is important that the children can recognise these words by sight. Please comment in their reading diaries when you read with your child. This will allow us to monitor their progress and reading at home is recognised as part of a reading rewards scheme.
Class Dojo
This fabulous tool is a great way to keep up to date with the learning and upcoming events within Penhaligon Class and the wider school community. Please check Class Dojo for up to date photos, videos and current class information. It is also possible to send messages and communication via Class Dojo.
Finally, If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to catch one of us before 8:40am or after 3:20pm. By working together, we can help support your child as they continue their learning journey through the school. We very much look forward to supporting your children this year.
Mr Barnes